
Two Treatments for Periodontal Disease that Have Aesthetic Benefits

Two Treatments for Periodontal Disease that Have Aesthetic Benefits

Periodontal disease can cause damage to your gums, creating pockets under the gumline where bacteria can thrive or causing gums to recede exposing the roots of your teeth. Treatments to address these serious issues can also have aesthetic benefits. Let’s take a look at pocket reduction and gum grafts and see how they might improve your smile whilst tackling a health issue!

Pocket Reduction

Periodontal disease weakens and detaches your gums from your teeth, forming harmful pockets around them. Bacteria love to hide in these pockets, causing further damage to the bone and gum tissue. Left untreated, these pockets can become irreparable, leading to tooth loss. Early intervention comes in the form of a minor procedure to remove the harmful bacteria and restore your gum health. We gently fold back the gum tissue to reach the hidden bacteria, clean the area thoroughly, and then secure the healthy gum tissue back in place. Additionally, we smooth out any uneven surfaces on the underlying bone to create a clean and healthy environment for your gums to reattach.

Gum Grafts

Periodontal disease can cause your gums to recede, exposing the sensitive roots of your teeth. These roots are not designed to be exposed, making them vulnerable to decay and discomfort. Exposed roots can also make your teeth appear longer, giving your smile an aged appearance. Gum graft surgery offers a solution! We take a small amount of healthy gum tissue from another area of your mouth, typically the palate, and use it to cover the exposed root. This not only protects the root from decay and reduces sensitivity, but it also helps prevent further gum recession and bone loss. The best part? A gum graft can also restore a youthful fullness to your smile!

Improve Your Oral Health and Smile Today!

Norfolk Dental Specialists are here to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. If you’re concerned about periodontal disease or its effects on your smile, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We can discuss the best treatment options for your individual needs.